EST. 1998

The Trusted Law Firm

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Why Choose Us?

Our Chief counsel has received various academic honors and has more than 15 years of experience as a lawyer. He has been in various government posts, as well as academe of well-known colleges. We assure you to provide the best professional legal services in the market.

Our vast experience would help us provide our clients with full-field and multi-level consulting services, this would not only lower their risk but also provide them safety and peace of mind, with professional daily legal consultation.

A subsidiary of GDS Capital Inc, and sister company of PDMN. We could provide the best trilingual (English, Filipino, and Chinese) legal services that are offered in the market. 

Latest News

Law Firm

In the Philippines my wife beats me, can I fight back?

In the Philippines, there is a prevailing societal bias that women are seen as weaker. As a result, women hitting men is often viewed by society and law enforcement agencies as a non-serious act, while men hitting women are treated harshly When encounteri

Law Firm

In the Philippines, can child support be reduced as easily as a relationship can end?

Regardless of the status of the partners, the healthy development of children requires the joint efforts and dedication of parents. It is the duty and responsibility of every parent to pay child support on time and to let their children grow up in a lovin

Law Firm

Who actually gets custody of the children after a breakup in the Philippines?

The issue of child support after a partner breaks up can be a real challenge. But no matter what, both parents should have the best interests of the child in mind and try to reach a consensus. A child cannot grow up without the love and support of both pa

5th Floor Left Wing, Salustiana D. Ty Tower, 104 Paseo de Roxas, Legazpi Village, Makati, 1200 Metro Manila +63 995 980
Practice Areas
  • Civil (Contractual and Property Relations)
  • Criminal (Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Labor and Employment
  • Corporate and Investment
  • Legal Retainership
  • Special Projects and Other Commercial Transactions

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